Alchemy Club FAQs

Will I still be able to purchase Botanical Collection wines?

Of course. All Alchemy members receive guaranteed access to and an allocation of the Pyramid Valley Botanicals Collection release in October. Prior to the release, you will be sent an email with detiails of your allocation which you can accept, decline or edit.

Can you ship to international addresses?

We sure can! All international club members will receive the same communication as above and confirmation of any additional costs associated with shipping.

How much does each shipment cost?

Our memberships are tailored to the many and varied Pyramid Valley wine lovers. Please see the table on the Wine Club page with approximate costs based on the different options.

How does my online account work?

When you sign up as a wine club member you will receive an online account and password prompt. Here, you can login to view your previous orders and upcoming wine shipments, edit your contact details and shipping address or change membership options.

How to I adjust my shipment online?

Login to your account area on our website.
Click on my account.
Click on Club memberships.

You can also adjust your shipment by emailing our wine club concierge at

What discount do I receive on additional wine purchases over and above my wine club shipments?

Alchemy club members receive 20% discount on RRP of all additional wine purchases excluding the Botanical Collection.

What freight charges apply to Wine Club purchases?

All wine club purchases include freight within New Zealand.

Which wines will be included in the wine club shipments?

At least 2 weeks before each shipment, you will be advised by email of the wines to be included in your upcoming shipment depending on the membership option you selected upon joining. Please see the table on Wine Club for further information on these options.

How do I pay for my wine club shipments?

The cost of each shipment together with any applicable international freight costs will be charged to the credit card submitted with your membership application. We will indicate the approximate date your card will be charged during the shipment month. All credit cards are stored in our encrypted payment system and cannot be viewed by any staff member at any time.

Can I change my Wine Club order at any time?

You can change your Wine Club order at any time up to 1 week prior to the shipping date. We will notify you of any resulting change to the amount to be charged to your credit card.

Can I change my Wine Club membership option?

You can change to another membership option at any time up to 2 weeks prior to any shipping date.

Do I have to take every shipment included in my membership?

We appreciate that some members may from time to time may be away from home and/or unable to receive a delivery, so you may skip a shipment by notifying us up to 2 weeks prior to the shipment date without losing your benefits provided you do not skip more than two shipments in a calendar year.

What if I decide I no longer want to be a member of the Alchemy Wine Club?

While we would be very sorry to see you go, we understand circumstances change. Your membership can be cancelled by written notice at any time up to 2 weeks prior to any shipping date. You may also choose to place your membership on hold rather than cancelling, which will enable you to continue to receive our newsletters and all offers until you choose to recommence your quarterly shipments. Membership benefits will cease at the time of cancellation or hold.

Can I pick up my wine from the winery instead of having it shipped to me?

If you would rather pick up your wines from our ‘home away from home’ and head office in Havelock North you can select that option when specifying your shipment information. Please note, we are unable to offer pick up from our Waikari winery in North Canterbury at this time.